Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Avatar

Open ended endings ever lending to an open hand
Endlessly relentless needing filled but never filling in

Open wide and take it. Wasting, wonder if it ever stops
Endlessly devour wounded, worried, weeping broken hearts

Carelessly divided, never even. Never even cared
Recklessness is wrecking wreaking havoc on the naked bare

Carelessly decided to deny the chance to change the course
Recklessness is wretched when the wicked warp with no remorse

Who is this? The avatar. Walking tall, incarnate sin
How could he ever come to face the faces of faceless dead

Who is this? Thrown overboard. Flailing, drowning in the womb
How could he learn to touch the truth? His body in an open wound

g.e. wright

Submitted for OpenLinkNight at dVerse!


  1. Very creative play of words.. contrasting verses are eye catching like your opening lines:

    Open ended endings ever lending to an open hand
    Endlessly relentless needing filled but never filling in

    Nice to meet you~

  2. I have to admit, I like to see the blogger's face - don't hide, show me something of yourself.

    I like some of these lines very much:

    "Endlessly relentless needing filled but never filling in"

    and this one sings:

    "Recklessness is wretched when the wicked warp with no remorse"

    The "drowning in the womb" line gives me a sense of someone trapped in a state of arrested development. This poem strikes me as a very musical call to provide something of substance and reality, something I can readily agree with.

  3. I'm glad to see you back, George :) I love that second line, "Endlessly relentless needing filled but never filling in..." That is a tough spot to be in for anyone, maybe even tougher to be in a relationship of any kind with someone like this. But, then again, we all have holes we try to fill with the wrong stuff from time to time.

  4. his body is an open wound...drowning in the womb...intense visuals...you play well with the words and rhymes through out as well...very nice...

  5. Great jobs incorporating the rhymes, they add to the pace and make it that much more engaging. Yeah sadly holes like this probably will never be filled.

  6. loving the lavish lines of alliteration you so eloquently laid before us ;)

  7. Wow. Really like this. Sheila describes it well: "lavish lines of alliteration". It's like rafting down a mesmerizing cascade of gentle rapids.

